Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hope Now

For quite some time I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog. I have been hesitant mainly because when I do something, I want to do it to the very best of my ability. I have decided to not stress over this or anything though. When I do write, it will be to the best of my ability, but blogging is definitely not going to be my top priority, as it seems my time is already limited enough. I intend mainly to use this as a tool to strengthen my writing abilities. I definitely need that right now due to my break from the Bible College. Although my main concern is sharpening my own skills, I know that God can use my writing to speak to others also. That alone is enough reason for me to do this! So, Lord willing, it will serve more than one purpose.
I know that it takes alot of time to write, especially for me because I type REALLY slow. Probably slower than I talk! Not only do I talk and type slow, but I have a real problem with misspelled words. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. If there is a word that I think is misspelled, I will bust out the dictionary to check on it. I would be highly embarrassed if I misspelled any words (but please tell me if I do so I can learn from it!). I am a decent speller so I will not have to spend a ton of time doing that, but still, it adds up quick. I also have alot of trouble putting my thoughts in order and even remembering them. Most of the time my mind seems to be racing at uncontrollable speeds. By writing and renewing my mind, I hope to bridle it back a little and train it to focus better. I will share some stories from my life occasionally, but primarily I will write about my Savior and my walk with Him.

"Hope Now" is the title of a song by the band Addison Road. They are a really good christian band. You should check them out if you have not already (you can find some of their songs on youtube). While I do like that song, it is not my reason for titling my blog "hope now." I am only borrowing their expression. "Hope now" sums up my worldview. It captures my heart's conviction. It expresses my soul's longing. It is the prayer of my mind each day.
You see, biblical "hope" and english "hope" are a little bit different in their meaning. The word "hope," used as a noun, in our english dictionary is defined as follows, "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." I don't know about you, but when I think of the word "hope," there is alot of doubt following it. When something is our "hope," the odds are stacked against it but there is a slight possibilty of it happening. Take a basketball game for example. Let's just say UT is playing Vandy. If you are a Vandy fan, your hope is that Vandy wins. However, if you are a UT fan, you are certain of the outcome, there is no hope involved. HAHA! You know what I mean. When your favorite team is playing a team that you know is better than them and even ranked higher, you hope they win. It is not likely to happen, but there is always that chance of an upset. It is a hope.
Biblical hope is different. Whenever we read passages like 1 Timothy 1:1 and 1 Peter 1:3, we should understand that the author knows what is going to happen. It is a certain expectation, not wishful dreaming. I love what the writer of Hebrews says in 6:19 (NIV). He says, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." I know for certain that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. He has paid for my sins on the cross at Calvary and the second I placed my faith in Him, I was counted as righteous. I was cleansed by His grace and spared by His mercy. I also know that I will spend eternity serving and praising Him. "Christ Jesus is our hope." (1 Timothy 1:1) There was a time when I did not believe this, but it is my "hope now." Biblical hope that is.

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