Friday, December 2, 2011

Country music, Christmas, and Christ

I have always wanted to write about country music, but have never taken the time. I actually thought about writing my theology and culture (a youth ministry class at bible college) paper on religious themes in country music. Then I found out that it had already been written about in the past by another student. Plus I really wanted to study cohabitation as a movement, so that's what I did.

Country music is very popular. When I was growing up that is the only thing I listened to (ok, so I had a little rap stage that I went through but it wasnt that long). Garth Brooks was my absolute favorite. I loved singing the song called "Rodeo," then there was "Friends in low Places" and all his other hits. Later it was Kenny Chesney and "Back Where I Come From," "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy,"and all the hits that followed. Along with Kenny Chesney was Tim McGraw, the Dixie Chicks, Reba get the picture.

Today the country music scene has changed a little. I'm sure an older generation could say the same about the artists I mentioned above, because they remember the ones like Hank Williams Jr, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, and all those. But now they have rolled over again. The big names now are Jason Aldean, Jake Owen, Carrie Underwood, and Brad Paisley.

I don't know where they all stand in terms of their faith. I do know that in the beginning of Carrie Underwood's career she was a devout Christian who would always mention Christ when winning awards and things like that. One of her first singles was even titled "Jesus Take the Wheel." Sounds pretty biblical....right? I mean that's what I want. I want nothing more than to give Christ the steering wheel of my life and let Him drive me in the right direction. Then on the very same album as "Jesus Take the Wheel," there is a song called "Before He Cheats." I don't know how familar you are with that song, but the chorus goes like this:
I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seat
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
And maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

Alot different than "Jesus Take the Wheel" right? I once heard Bro Barry Raper say the lyrics should have been "Jesus take the bat," which I thought was pretty funny. Then her next album goes on to a song called "Last Name." This is a song about a woman sleeping with a man and she doesn't even know his last name. I could go on with other songs but hopefully you get the point. There is a mix. There is no consistency. Jesus on one hand, sex with a guy you don't know on the other. And we wonder why Christians are being called hypocrites!

Country music has just enough talk about God, Jesus, heaven, devil, and church to make it dangerous. People hear those words and automatically justify listening to it. The truth is, there might be 1 out of every 5 songs that is actually worth listening to as a Christian (and that's being generous on my end). I'm talking about songs without any cussing, drinking, cheating, gambling, violence, and whatever else Christians should have nothing to do with. If the lyrics don't line up with your beliefs, why do you continue to enjoy it? In fact, how can you? Just because Brad Paisley sings "When I get where I'm going," that doesn't make it ok for him to sing "Bigger fish to fry" (, you really need to hear this if you haven't, BAD theology!). One song is supposedly "christian" and the other is basically mockery of the Gospel. Mockery might be a bad word, but I can guarantee that if you get your theology from that song, you will have serious problems in the future. Same singer, different message. Country music is about selling records and making money. Those people don't give two cents about your soul or what the Bible says. If they did, their music would prove it.

Every year during the country music christmas extravaganza (or whatever its called) my blood boils. It drives me crazy that they actually have the nerve to sing all that trash throughout the year, and then give one night to Christmas songs. There is something wrong if you can joyfully sing "My kind of party" one day and "O come all ye faithful" the next.

I know I have been hard on country music. I know you probably think I'm an idiot. And I'm not saying that listening to country music is a sin (you be the judge). I just want you to think about the words that you are letting inside your body, the temple. I'll guarantee they never went through Christ's temple. All I'm saying is think about what you are listening to. Don't just listen to it because someone else does, or even because you always have. Honestly, I would listen to nothing but Jason Aldean if I was not following Jesus. But, now I am following Him and I have a responsibility to act like it. You do the same. Music is powerful. Listen to something that gives glory to God, listen to something that builds your faith, listen to something that is biblical.

1 comment:

  1. Very, very good blog but where is the scripture. Though I know enough scripture to say that you r bilicaly right, it would be nice for you to include the scriptures that would back up ur opinion. Very awesome though!!!
