Friday, December 30, 2011

Home Alone

Over the Christmas break (or rush, whatever you want to call it), I had just a little bit of free time. So, I decided to be intentional about giving some of it to my son. Little did I know, I would be wishing for some of it to have never happened.

I thought I would be a cool dad and watch a funny movie with my son. I even thought maybe we could start some sort of tradition by watching the same movie every year. Naturally my mind starts playing through the Christmas movies I watched as a kid. (If you have read my post about Santa, you would guess that movies about Santa, Frosty, or Rudolph were pretty much thrown out right off the bat. lol!) All of the sudden, I think of that hilarious, innocent child who outsmarts the robbers in very clever ways.....Kevin McCallister. Little did I realize how long it had been since I watched that movie and how little I remembered about it.

I'm almost certain my face looked just like Kevin's did above when we got just a little bit into the movie. The entire movie was filled with what is unfortunately today's young child. He called his mom a "dummy." He was very rude, disrespectful, and irresponsible (imagine that). The entire movie continued with this as a theme, including the young Kevin cussing the robbers in the scene where he has set up all the traps.

Although the robbing scene is pretty violent and has that one cussing part, I would have to say that is the cleanest part of the film (it is definitely the funniest), especailly when you take into account Kevin's attitude and his family's attitude toward him. 

Needless to say, Home Alone will not become our father/son Christmas movie tradition!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Man who made no sense

Most things in life make pretty good sense. In fact, there is a law that states something about that. It is called Newton's Third Law of Motion. It says, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  When I was in high school I used to play alot of pool. I actually got pretty good at it after many all night episodes of doing nothing but shooting pool with one of my buddies. I can remember shooting for what must have been 8 hours straight....maybe even more a few times. This was a regular event for weeks.

Pool is a game of skill. Sure, any Joe Blow can come in, knock the poo out of a few balls and get lucky a few times. But I am talking about the pros (unfortunately I was never a pro). They have skill. Its as simple as that. They depend on Newton's third law. Whether they know it or not, they have studied and mastered it also. It takes just the right amount of strength from the cue stick. You have to hit the cue ball exactly in the right spot. Then the cue ball must hit the other ball in presicely the right spot, sending that ball on a predetermined angle to make its way into the pocket....lots of geometry (which I hated in school). It's all based on the fact that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It makes sense.
We can look at the court system. We see people getting in trouble and we see people receiving punishment. We can see here the same principle again. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Makes sense to me. If a man is convicted of rape, it makes sense that he should be punished and locked up. If a man is convicted of murder, it makes sense that he should be punished and locked up. The action is breaking the law, the equal and opposite reaction is punishment. Makes sense to me.

Then we can go on to relationships. A man is caught cheating on his wife with another woman. The equal and opposite reaction is divorce and she's gone. Makes sense to me. A relationship is built on trust. If you break that trust, as is the case with adultery or anything else, you can expect an equal and opposite reaction. Of course, that is the lack of trust. It is a devastation to character. You get the point. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It just makes sense.

Everything just makes real good sense until we get to the New Testament. There we are told about this Man named Jesus. Allow me to tell you just a little bit about this Man. He is the one who healed the blind on the Sabbath. That may not sound like much but understand that Jewish people are not allowed to do anything on the Sabbath that has to do with work. To this day, that is why the most conservative Jewish people live so close to the synagogue. They cannot get in the car, start it up, and drive it. That's too much like work. They don't flip on light switches. They don't cook. They don't clean. And they certainly don't harvest food. Remember when Jesus was walkng through the field and His disciples started picking the grain because they were hungry. The Pharisees hated them for that! And they hated Jesus even worse because He allowed them to do it! It just didn't make any sense!

Jesus was the King of not making any sense to people, especially religious people like the Pharisees. Let me give you a rundown of a few more things Jesus did or said that didn't make any sense......and still don't to the world: He was born of a virgin (Luke 1). He left the 99 to go find the 1 (Luke 15). He said if one "doesn't hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14). When questioned about how many times we should forgive others, he said "seventy times seven" (Matthew 18). When people were caught in the very act of sinning, He let them go (John 8). He ate and talked with the people who had the worst reputation in the whole area (Matthew 9). He took the job of the lowest person in society.....washing feet (John 13). He came back to life after He was killed (Luke 24).

Time and time again Jesus amazed people by the words He said and the things He did....mostly because they didn't make any sense. Why should we look any different? Are we not called to be followers of Christ? Did Paul not encourage his listeners to "imitate me as I imitate Christ?" Are we not called to show the same exact love and grace that God showed sinners while He walked the earth? Has He not shown you that very same love and grace over and over and over? I know He has shown it to me. He has shown it to you too. The question you even realize it?

To me, the beauty of the Gospel is that it makes no sense whatsoever. Holiness demands that I be sent to hell because I am not holy. That makes sense. But the fact that I get to go to heaven based solely on what Jesus did.......that makes no sense at all. I don't have to pay for what I have done wrong? That's crazy! Everyone must pay for their least that's what makes sense. But Thanks be to God for His loving Rescue Plan, Jesus Christ, who took my sin and your sin and paid for it fully, so that we need not do anything except reach out by faith and accept His forgiveness!

So how about it? Do the things you do and say look like what everyone else is doing? Or do they look like what Jesus did.....and still does to this day? Do they make sense to the rest of the world? Or do they make sense to Jesus?

As always, thank you for reading! I would love to hear from you on anything I write. Many things that I have written are also available to view at Right now Ben, the editor of the site, is posting a paper that I wrote on marriage and cohabitation in series form. Feel free to call me stupid or smart. You can say I'm right or wrong. You can tell me to jump off a cliff or encourage me to keep writing.....or you can just bite your tongue and not say anything at all. If you would like to, contact me through the blog, facebook, or email ( Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Truth about Santa

  When I was growing up, I was a huge fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!!). The technodrome was the base for the TMNT's villans, Krang (the little brain guy) and Shredder, the leader of the foot clan and partner with Krang. Who could ever be able to fully play TMNT with only the turtles?! In order to really go all out you must also have the bad guys, along with their base. I will never forget waking up one morning to get the Technodrome from Santa. That was one great morning!

I remember making Christmas lists for Santa. Also, getting my picture made in his lap at the mall. Santa was a pretty big deal in my house as a child. Not huge. But it was big enough that I can remember wanting to go to bed really early so the morning could hurry up and I could get back up to retrieve my presents. But before I went to bed, I always remembered to leave out the milk and cookies. I just knew that jolly ol' Santa would be extremely upset without his milk and cookies.

I don't remember how the terrible news came to me that Santa wasn't real. I don't even remember how the next Christmas went. One thing is certain though, Hudson, nor any of my children will ever have to wonder what is was like. My wife and I made the joint decision to never do the whole Santa routine. You probably think I'm a jerk, a terrible father, and no fun. If you do, I hope to change your mind (or at least get you to thinking) by the end of this. If you don't do Santa either, I hope you will agree with most of what I'm about to say. Here are some of the reasons we don't do Santa:

1. I need my beauty sleep. It's not easy keeping up this charming appearance that you are blessed to see each day. It would be devastating to have to get up in the middle of the night. Santa is obviously not concerned with his figure and appearance like I am.

2. It is a lie. I know it's just being creative, using your imagination, and going with the flow, but the fact is, its simply not true. There is no Santa, no north pole, no flying reindeer, no elves, no rudolph, no toy factory, no sleigh, and no delivering toys all around the world in one night. I'm sure I left some stuff out but you get the picture. One lie leads to the next. Its not just one little lie (although that wouldn't be alright either), it's a big, elaborate system of your very own children. The ones who trust you, look up to you, and want to be just like you.

3. It breeds receiving, not contentment and not giving. Children that are at this age soak up everything like a little sponge, not just words either, but also behaviors and actions. How many letters do they write asking for more things when they already have more than they could ever play with? The Bible is very consistent on its teaching to be content and to live a life full a service and giving. In fact, Paul goes so far as to say "God loves a cheerful giver." How are we going to teach our children to be cheerful givers if all we ask them is "what would you like from Santa this year?"
Paul also says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." This is probably the most commonly misused verse in the Bible. This doesn't mean that we can fly off the couch like Superman or that we can hold our breath under water for three days because Jesus will give us the strength to do these supernatural things. The context of the verse is Paul in prison...suffering. This passage is one of being content, being happy with what you have, learning to make do with much or with little.

4. It's message communicates the exact opposite of Christ's. Santa has two lists......the naughty list and the nice list. If you are good enough, if you behave, if you earn it, then and only then will Santa bring you presents. Otherwise you will be getting switches and coal. The consistent teaching of the Bible is that we are saved by grace through faith "and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one may boast." Children earn Santa, but in reality no one can earn Christ.

5. Santa is not biblical, if anything, he is an idol. He comes before Jesus every Christmas. How many letters have children written to Jesus? How many times have they prayed to Jesus? I would be willing to bet its no where near the number that Santa gets. How many times do children bring up Santa in conversation around Christmas? How many times do they bring up Jesus? What about you in your conversation with children and not just your own? Chances are when you see a child you never say the first word about Jesus, but its "What is Santa bringing you for Christmas this year?" It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Santa is the focus (or idol) this time of year.

6. Santa is the world's way of taking Christ out of Christmas. The world always wants to take anything having to do with Jesus out of the spotlight. The Ten Commandments, the Pledge, Tim Tebow, you name it, they want it gone. Christmas is the time of year when we celebrate the Incarnation, God "becoming flesh." He left the heavens to "dwell among men." He came "to save the world." The One who "grace and truth were realized through." What better way to distract everyone than to take the focus off of Him and onto someone who brings us anything we want if we behave. Is it not the same with Easter? A time that should be spent celebrating the Resurrection, is spent hunting for eggs laid by a rabbit! Another example of how the world takes out Christ and replaces Him with something else.

7. I don't like milk. My wife hates it when I eat a bowl of cereal and waste all that milk at the bottom. Of course I need my beauty sleep, but besides that, why would I want to disturb my beauty sleep to drink something that I don't even like?

St Nicholas bringing gifts8. Santa Claus originated from St. Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was born in the 200s in what is now the modern day country of Turkey. In his day the area was primarily Greek. His family was very wealthy. His parents died while he was at a young age. However, they were Christians and they raised him to be one who follows Christ. Upon inheriting a very large sum of money at the death of his parents, he chose not to blow it all on fancy things for himself, but rather to give all that he had to the poor, the sick, and the needy. I am certain he had James 1:27, 2:14-26, Luke 12:13-34 and many other passages in mind when set out help those in need. America has done an outstanding job of perverting what St. Nicholas intended to use to reach out as the hands and feet of Christ.

I am not trying to be holy or religious by not playing Santa, just wise. I never want to hear my children say, "Dad, is Jesus like Santa? A person you just made up?" I want to hear my kids say, "We are so thankful that Jesus came down to earth and made us a way to heaven and a way to restore our relationship with God."

I am not saying that playing Santa is sinful. I am asking you what Santa communicates to kids and to the rest of the world? I am asking you where your focus is during Christmas? I am asking you why you look so much like everyone else?

 We still put up a tree. We still send Christmas cards. We still give gifts....even to our kids. We still have dinner with our families. The difference is we do it as we keep Christ at the center, not an old, fat man, who lives at the north pole, flies behind reindeer and only shows up one time a year.

Joshua bravely says it like this, "Fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." We are far from Egypt and the River. You don't live in the land of the Amorites, but you do live in the land of the Americans. They aren't much different from the Amorites. You have a decision to make in this land......choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Country music, Christmas, and Christ

I have always wanted to write about country music, but have never taken the time. I actually thought about writing my theology and culture (a youth ministry class at bible college) paper on religious themes in country music. Then I found out that it had already been written about in the past by another student. Plus I really wanted to study cohabitation as a movement, so that's what I did.

Country music is very popular. When I was growing up that is the only thing I listened to (ok, so I had a little rap stage that I went through but it wasnt that long). Garth Brooks was my absolute favorite. I loved singing the song called "Rodeo," then there was "Friends in low Places" and all his other hits. Later it was Kenny Chesney and "Back Where I Come From," "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy,"and all the hits that followed. Along with Kenny Chesney was Tim McGraw, the Dixie Chicks, Reba get the picture.

Today the country music scene has changed a little. I'm sure an older generation could say the same about the artists I mentioned above, because they remember the ones like Hank Williams Jr, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, and all those. But now they have rolled over again. The big names now are Jason Aldean, Jake Owen, Carrie Underwood, and Brad Paisley.

I don't know where they all stand in terms of their faith. I do know that in the beginning of Carrie Underwood's career she was a devout Christian who would always mention Christ when winning awards and things like that. One of her first singles was even titled "Jesus Take the Wheel." Sounds pretty biblical....right? I mean that's what I want. I want nothing more than to give Christ the steering wheel of my life and let Him drive me in the right direction. Then on the very same album as "Jesus Take the Wheel," there is a song called "Before He Cheats." I don't know how familar you are with that song, but the chorus goes like this:
I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seat
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
Slashed a hole in all 4 tires
And maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

Alot different than "Jesus Take the Wheel" right? I once heard Bro Barry Raper say the lyrics should have been "Jesus take the bat," which I thought was pretty funny. Then her next album goes on to a song called "Last Name." This is a song about a woman sleeping with a man and she doesn't even know his last name. I could go on with other songs but hopefully you get the point. There is a mix. There is no consistency. Jesus on one hand, sex with a guy you don't know on the other. And we wonder why Christians are being called hypocrites!

Country music has just enough talk about God, Jesus, heaven, devil, and church to make it dangerous. People hear those words and automatically justify listening to it. The truth is, there might be 1 out of every 5 songs that is actually worth listening to as a Christian (and that's being generous on my end). I'm talking about songs without any cussing, drinking, cheating, gambling, violence, and whatever else Christians should have nothing to do with. If the lyrics don't line up with your beliefs, why do you continue to enjoy it? In fact, how can you? Just because Brad Paisley sings "When I get where I'm going," that doesn't make it ok for him to sing "Bigger fish to fry" (, you really need to hear this if you haven't, BAD theology!). One song is supposedly "christian" and the other is basically mockery of the Gospel. Mockery might be a bad word, but I can guarantee that if you get your theology from that song, you will have serious problems in the future. Same singer, different message. Country music is about selling records and making money. Those people don't give two cents about your soul or what the Bible says. If they did, their music would prove it.

Every year during the country music christmas extravaganza (or whatever its called) my blood boils. It drives me crazy that they actually have the nerve to sing all that trash throughout the year, and then give one night to Christmas songs. There is something wrong if you can joyfully sing "My kind of party" one day and "O come all ye faithful" the next.

I know I have been hard on country music. I know you probably think I'm an idiot. And I'm not saying that listening to country music is a sin (you be the judge). I just want you to think about the words that you are letting inside your body, the temple. I'll guarantee they never went through Christ's temple. All I'm saying is think about what you are listening to. Don't just listen to it because someone else does, or even because you always have. Honestly, I would listen to nothing but Jason Aldean if I was not following Jesus. But, now I am following Him and I have a responsibility to act like it. You do the same. Music is powerful. Listen to something that gives glory to God, listen to something that builds your faith, listen to something that is biblical.