Friday, March 9, 2012

Does Uncle Sam have on a Blindfold?

Maybe I am alone in this, but I seriously cannot figure out how this kind of stuff actually happens. Read this article and see what you think (click the yellow word "article" to read it and if that doesn't work, copy and paste the web address at the bottom of the post into your url).

It seems like there should be some sort of application process or a system that checks to see if people are actually telling the truth. Maybe there is and it stinks. Maybe there is and the person letting this stuff slip by gets a cut. Maybe there is but there are loopholes. I don't know. All I know is this is absolutely ridiculous!

There is so much wrong with this story. Allow me to point out my two biggest problems.

1) Why is someone on food stamps playing the lottery? I have heard that people that receive food stamps today don't really receive "food stamps," they actually receive a debit card where they can walk into any store and buy whatever they want with it. If this is true she could have bought this winning lottery ticket with your money. HA! That's messed up if you ask me!

2) Why was she not kicked off of food stamps? I thought they were for low income families, not millionaires. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it would have been quite easy for this woman to lie and/or cover up until the next tax time, but still you would think there would be a red flag come up somewhere in the system. This just goes to show how disconnected different parts of our government really are with each other. I'm not a politician or economist but shouldn't the income dept (the ones tracking our income to make sure we pay our taxes, IRS) have some communication with the outgoing dept (the ones who pass out government assistance, housing, welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, etc)? Isn't the lottery ran by the government?

There are surely more issues here but thinking about this any longer will probably make me vomit. If I was in any kind of position that deals with these things I would be embarrassed......and should be. What do you think? Am I overreacting? Am I crazy?



1 comment:

  1. First of all let me say that I agree whole hearted! You made 2 great points but let me add a couple more... 1: This is proof of who playes the lottery, people w/low incomes, mainly poor people. Also let me say before someone gets mad, poor is a state of mind and being broke means you have no money and is normally temporary. 2: By the actions of the gov showen in this one story is just the tip of the iceberg for how incompetent the gov really is. The whole gov is ran in such a way that is completely unGodly, which leads to my next point. 3: Jesus said that he is not of this world or he is no part of this world, depends on which version of the bible u read. That means that what ever aspect of this world, which satan is the prince of, we should as Christians (followers of Christ) not have any association with, if someone sees a drunkard, a adulterist, a greedy man or etc..., we should not be seen doing the same. To me that also goes for the gov, how can we be part of a organization that teaches different than Gods word. (Ex... God tells us that if an able man does not work than he does not eat, our gov says (by example not by voice) that if an able man does not work we will feed him anyways. God says that we have free will to make a choice between righteousness or wickedness, the gov says that we have free will to choose what ever we want w/very few standards of right or wrong in a moral sense because we set our own standards not God. God says that life begins in the whom, our gov says that it begins at birth and then says we can kill that life before its born into this world. Just remember that if Jesus would have not been in Mary's whom he would have not been born.) Should I continue on... We can read in scripture that Jesus tells us not to be part of this world or of this world on many occasions, how more cut and dry can u get than that. Let's also look at when man first wanted a ruler other than God, what did God say? (Paraphrasing here) I am your king, you don't need a king, man ruling man will never work, but he appointed a king anyways because he seen how stubborn man was and that we needed to experience for ourselves that we r not smarter than God. Look at how the Roman Empire fell, now our gov is falling also. One last point than I'm off my soap box. 4: Scripture tells us that we should be united as one body of Christ, how can we pledge allegiance to our country and protect our country w/any means necessary against other countries when the other counties also contain brothers and sisters in Christ. Now we are killing members of the body of Christ to protect our country, how much sense does that make? Jesus also said the we can not serve 2 masters, you will love one and hate the other, though that was said in reference to money, the statement is true no matter what you want to refer it too. We r bron into debt to God and we r to slave for our Lord, God is our master yet we all continue to serve this world that we should not be of........... I will be voting for true hope, my lord and savior Jesus Christ! Not the continuation of this world, aka satan.
