Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bring Justice

I just changed the name of my blog to "Bring Justice". That is the portion of Isaiah 1:17 regarding the fatherless. God has always been concerned for the fatherless. It is not only a James 1:27 principle.

Maybe I can leave the title like this forever! I am just so fired up about leaving! We leave for Washington DC at 1:15. Then as soon as we land, we are off to catch another flight to Moscow. We are actually going to be cutting it pretty close catching that flight. I hope we make it!

We are heading over to go to court in Moscow for our second adoption. This is the second out of three trips for us on this journey. Although he will not be coming home with us this time, we will be back on Thursday, Lord willing, as the proud official parents of Heath James Carney. This is the most important trip of the three because of the court appearance. It is there where we will go before the Russian judge and be questioned about our motives for adopting, capabilities of providing for him, and so on. He or she will either grant us custody or not right there on the spot. When we adopted Hudson, this was a pretty anxious time as the judge was concerned about our young age. Hopefully this time will be a little smoother, but it is definitely not guaranteed.

Please pray especially for our court on Wednesday. Pray also for our travel and safety! Don't forget to pray also for Lindsey! She has a hard time both ways. She hates leaving our two at home for several days in a row. And then hates leaving Heath over there in the orphanage for another month until we are allowed to go back to get him. Not that it's easy for me, it's just especially hard on a GOOD mother. Thank you!!!

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