Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Orphanology" Book Review

One thing I really love about traveling is all the reading I get to do. A couple of weeks ago I started a book called "Orphanology" by Tony Merida and Rick Morton. I finished it on the way over to Moscow (and got halfway through my next book). I would love to start to do some book reviews/summaries of some of the books I read and really enjoy. I can think of no better one to start on than "Orphanology".

Most of you probably know mine and my wife's heart about adoption. In fact, within 12 hours I should be seeing my second adopted son, Heath, again. This makes the second time seeing him. The first time was in April. I really felt like it was my responsibility to read this book due to its nature.

This was a very good read for anyone going through an adoption, wanting to learn more about adoption, orphan care, orphan hosting, or foster care. Also for those trying to find ways to tangibly help the fatherless outside of actually adopting. I would also highly recommend the book for anyone in ministry. It has a theological beginning and then works its way into the practical ways any church can get involved with bringing justice to the fatherless.

The first chapter was my favorite because of the discussion of the doctrine of adoption as found in the New Testament. They communicate an understanding of both "vertical" adoption and "horizontal" adoption. Horizontal adoption is when people adopt other people. Vertical adoption is when God adopts us into His family, by grace, through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. You would be amazed at all of the similarities between the two.

I won't spoil them all but just to get your wheels turning, here is one. Adoption is costly. I can vouch for that! Depending on what country you go to, you can pretty much guarantee spending between $20,000 and $50,000. That's a lot of cheese!!! Thankfully God provides every step of the way because horizontal adoption is His will. One of the ways He has provided for my family is by putting awesome people like YOU in my life! Practically everyone I know has contributed to our adoption in some way or another and I THANK YOU for that! In a similar way, vertical adoption is costly (and God's will) also. In fact, it cost God so much that He sent His only Son to take the punishment you and I deserve, which is physical death and eternal suffering. Jesus did die for us. But He also bore that suffering we deserve in a moment's time for every man, woman, boy, and girl in the entire world on the Cross at Calvary. And now because of that high price paid by Jesus, "it is finished" (John 19:30), and we can be joint heirs with Him in eternity (Romans 8:17). Tell me that wasn't a high price!

The book touches several different aspects of adoption and orphan care. Here are a few:

  1. The theology of adoption.
  2. God's concern for the fatherless as revealed in the Scriptures.
  3. What our concern should look like for the fatherless, individually and corporately.
  4. Adoption as "Plan A", not "Plan B".
  5. Leading and creating a local church culture that reaches out to orphans.
  6. The church partnering with orphanages locally and globally, even if it is not through mission trips, but through giving and prayer.
  7. Training for church laypeople on adoption and orphan care.
  8. Starting an adoption funding program in your local church.
  9. Supporting all aspects of an adoption.
  10. The church and its need to reach out to local orphans through foster care.
  11. Supporting those who are in the transition of bringing home an adopted child or a foster child.
  12. How to do orphan hosting, which is the opposite of a mission trip. It is actually where orpahns come to you for a period of about two weeks.
  13. Also at the end of each chapter is a personal adoption story. Those are always good to hear!
In conclusion, I will quote Tony Merida's words that I couldn't have said better myself. They brought (and still bring) tears to my eyes. (By the way, Joshua is the child in Ethiopia he was adopting at the time he was finishing up writing this book.) "We wrote this book because there are more than 140 million Joshua's in the world today. I know I'll see some of them in a few days. In fact, the hardest part about adopting for me isn't living in a different country, eating different food, spending a lot of money, or rearranging some things in my home and life to make room for another child. The most heart-wrenching aspect of adopting Joshua will be leaving behind other kids. I still remember the day we left Ukraine, and the sight of the wonderful children watching us drive away. It was a sobering reminder that the world is not as it should be."

I will see, with my own two eyes, something very similar tomorrow in the heart of Moscow. Satan has those kids right where he wants them.

I pray that you would find your place in "bringing justice to the fatherless" (Isaiah 1:17) sooner rather than later. It's what the Gospel is all about, you are living proof (Ephesians 1:5).


1 comment:

  1. Seeking faith-based blog reviewers with specific interest in Orphan Care for the MOTHER INDIA DVD, NEW Christian film

    Recently discovering your website/blog that had content to Orphan Care, I wanted to quickly touch base and invite you to join the Mother India blog review team and work alongside Word Films to increase awareness of the MOTHER INDIA DVD, a new faith-based, family-friendly film releasing in April.

    Please review the following information and let me know by Tuesday, (4/9/13) if you are interested.

    ‘Mother India: Life Through the Eyes of the Orphan’ DVD
    Releases April 23, 2013

    The Documentary Narrated by Rebecca St. James Captures the Lives of 25 Abandoned and Orphaned Children Living on the Streets in India

    MOTHER INDIA synopsis:

    Winner of “Best Short Documentary” at the 2012 San Diego Christian Film Festival, ‘Mother India’ is a compelling documentary that chronicles the adventure of 25 courageous orphans living as a family along the railway in Tenali, India. “Mother India” brings to light the struggles faced daily by over 31 million orphans in India and the challenge of rescuing them from a life of begging and addiction.

    ‘Mother India,’ is the work of first-time filmmakers David Trotter and Shawn Scheinoha. “India is growing in both population and industry, but few people know that there are over 31 million orphans in this nation,” commented Trotter (Executive Producer, Director). “Each of these young lives is much more than a statistic. Every one of them has a name, a face and a story.” Scheinoha (Executive Producer) added, “We’re not out to just tell a tragic story. We’re focused on raising awareness and changing lives.”

    Watch the trailer, and learn more about the film:
    Mother India YouTube:
    Word Films YouTube:
    Word Films Facebook:
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    Word Films Website:
    Mother India Website:

    When you confirm your interest (by Tuesday, 4/9/13) in reviewing Mother India, Word Films will send you a complimentary copy of the DVD to review. If you are interested in hosting an online giveaway of a FREE DVD to one of your readers, Word Films will include a second complimentary DVD for your winner as well!

    To confirm your interest in reviewing this film, please email me with the physical mailing address we should send the DVD to. Be sure to indicate if you are also interested in hosting a giveaway.

    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

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