Monday, July 9, 2012


My daughter absolutely loves the new Eric Church song, "Springsteen" (listen to it by clicking the song title). She calls it "my song" because we all have our own favorites. For example, one of Hudson's favorites right now is "Every Move I Make" by Great Worship Songs for kids. She especially loves the Eric Church song because at the end there is a little melody that he sings without words (if that is possible, maybe hums is a better word). Listen to the song. You'll figure out what I'm talking about.

Eric Church communicates something in this song that I have been wanting to put into words for quite some time now. It is definitely worth our pondering. First you need to listen the song above in blue letters if you haven't.

Don't pretend like you don't have fun with that part Hollynn likes either! It's so catchy!

In this song, Eric Church goes back in his past to a concert he went to with a group of friends. During the course of the night he falls for one of the girls (1st verse) and the concert turns into his first date with her. Although the relationship only lasted about two weeks, he admits "to this day when I hear that artist's song, I think about her. I don't even think I could tell you her last name, but I still see her and think about her." Thus the chorus, "when I think about you, I think about 17, I think about my old jeep, I think about the stars in the sky. Funny how a melody sounds like a memory, like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night."

I know this is true in my life and your life as well. You can hear one song that could take you back a couple of months. You could even hear another that takes you back ten or twenty years. Peter Zavadil, director of the short film ("Mixtape") about this song, says it "reminds me of the songs that we listened to as kids that were the soundtracks to our lives. I can still listen to certain songs and be instantly brought back to periods of my life.” Can't you relate?! If "Back Where I Come From" by Kenny Chesney came on right now, I would take a trip down memory lane so fast I wouldn't know what hit me!

Some of these songs take us to a good place. Others take us to a not so good place. Only you can determine that. Only you and the Lord know where you should and should not go. Be obedient.

Music is powerful. It always has been and always will be. The Bible testifies to this truth. We find songs all throughout the Bible. Many of them are recorded in the Psalms, however, there are a few others like the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 and the song of Deborah in Judges 5. These songs were sung at significant times and undoubtedly were sung over and over to intentionally take the people back to those good times to remember what the Lord had done for them.

Even Mary cried out in song (Luke 1:46-55) praising "God my Savior" upon visiting with Elizabeth. Shortly after the birth of Jesus "there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased'" (Luke 2:13-14). Do you think the angels just mumbled that in some boring, monotone voice? I highly doubt it! Do you think the creatures around the throne that never cease to say "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come" (Revelation 4:8) are about to fall asleep they are so tired of saying that? I think not! These are songs that are significant. These are songs that can take people to those places.

God made us this way. He made us to "praise Him with trumpet sound, lute, harp, tambourine, dance (yes the Bible does say to praise God with dance!!!), strings, pipe, sounding cymbals and loud clashing cymbals" (Psalm 150:3-5).

I hope you know that music matters. You can choose to listen to whatever makes you feel good. You can choose to listen to music that takes you back to those nights filled with sin and disobedience or you can choose to listen to music that takes you back to memories of what God has done in your life. One of these songs for me right now is "Live Like That" because it is the song that we put Heath's slideshow to. (As soon as he gets home I will be able to share that slideshow online but I can't right now unfortunately.)

Whatever or wherever music takes you back to, make sure it is pleasing to the Lord Jesus. One song leads to one memory, one memory leads to one mistake, and one mistake could turn your life upside down. It's funny how a melody sounds like a memory, like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night.




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